Memoria Sancti Henrici [HE61]
Format: CD
Country Code: FI
Label: Ondine
Date: rec. September 1995
Pater noster CMC 695, Jade 74321 28595 2
Escolania of Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos; Schola Antiqua (Madrid), Laurentino Sáenz de Buruaga, [1:02] -
Record Title: Misa Mozarabe
Pater noster CMC 695, Deutsche Grammophon 445 399 2
Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos, Ismael Fernández de la Cuesta, [1:27] -
Record Title: The Mystery of Santo Domingo de Silos
Pater noster CMC 695, Archiv 435 032 2
Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos, Ismael Fernández de la Cuesta, [1:27] -
Record Title: Die Tradition des Gregorianischen Chorals (discs 3b 4a)
Pater noster CMC 695, Archiv SAPM 198459
Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos, Ismael Fernández de la Cuesta, [1:27] -
Record Title: Altspanische Gesänge
Pater noster CMC 695, Deutsche Grammophon 445 767 2
Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos, Ismael Fernández de la Cuesta, [1:27] -
Record Title: Mad About the Monks (d)
Pater noster CMC 695, Philips PCC 623
Seminary Choir and Colegio de Infantes of Toledo, José Torregrosa, [1:13] -
Record Title: Misa Mozárabe
Pater noster CMC 695, Fonópolis FB 64- 16
Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos, Ismael Fernández de la Cuesta, [1:22] -
Record Title: Misa Mozárabe
Pater noster CMC 695, private no number
Gregoriana Amsterdam, Geert Maessen, [1:15] -
Record Title: Calculemus et Cantemus
Domine Deus noster POST EV MIL 299, Sipario CS 29 C
Gruppo di Canto Ambrosiano, Luigi Benedetti, [1:32] -
Record Title: Canto Ambrosiano
Domine Deus noster POST EV MIL 299, Sipario CS 37 C
Gruppo di Canto Ambrosiano, Luigi Benedetti, [1:53] -
Record Title: La Creazione - La Verginità - La Pace
Pater noster , Vanguard Classics 99011
Utrecht Student Gregorian Choir, Jan Boogaarts, [1:08] -
Record Title: Missa Ambrosiana in Epiphania Domini
Pater noster , Schola Saint Grégoire SSG 001
Schola Saint Grégoire, Jean-Pierre Noiseux, [1:23] -
Record Title: Chant Bénéventain de la Pentecôte
Protector noster GRAD (5) GT 292a LU 1003a WG 87, Emeritus RGC 39004
Richard Crocker, [1:54] - RV
Record Title: Graduals in 5th mode temporale
Domine Dominus noster ... Quoniam GRAD (5) GT 308a LU 1017 WG 288a, Emeritus RGC 39004
Richard Crocker, [1:25] - RV
Record Title: Graduals in 5th mode temporale
Protector noster INTR (4) GT 323 LU 1036b WG 296a, Emeritus RGC 39009
Richard Crocker, with Lisa Spivak, [2:17] - AVA
Record Title: Introits in 4th and 5th modes
Domine Dominus noster COMM (2) GT 357a WG 106b, Emeritus RGC 39015
Richard Crocker, [1:26] - AVA
Record Title: Communions in 2nd and 4th modes
Domine Dominus noster COMM (2) LGPF1 532 LG2 48 GN1 43a GT 357a WG 106b, Melos Antiqua LG II/2
Alberto Turco, Letizia Butterin, Gennaro Becchimanzi, Giuseppe Fusari, [2:18] - AVA
Record Title: Liber Gradualis - Tempus Nativitatis (disc 2)
Protector noster GRAD (5) LGPF1 403 LG6 73 GN1 268b GT 292a LU 1003a WG 87, Melos Antiqua LG VI/4
Alberto Turco, Letizia Butterin, Gennaro Becchimanzi, Andrés Montilla Acurero, [3:52] - RVR
Record Title: Liber Gradualis - Tempus per annum I-XVII (disc 4)
Domine Dominus noster ... Quoniam GRAD (5) LGPF1 438 LG6 103 GN1 290a GT 308a LU 1017 WG 288a, Melos Antiqua LG VI/5
Alberto Turco, Letizia Butterin, Gennaro Becchimanzi, Andrés Montilla Acurero, [3:19] - RVR
Record Title: Liber Gradualis - Tempus per annum I-XVII (disc 5)
Domine Dominus noster COMM (2) GN1 43a GT 357a WG 106b, EOS EOSCD 7797
Schola Gregoriana Monacensis, Johannes Berchmans Göschl, [2:09] - AVA
Record Title: Testimonia tua - Meditatio tua (26-)
Protector noster INTR (4) GN1 310 GT 323 LU 1036b WG 296a, EOS EOSCD 7770
Schola Gregoriana Monacensis, Johannes Berchmans Göschl, [3:22] - AVA
Record Title: Refloruit caro mea (16-)
Domine Dominus noster ... Quoniam GRAD (5) GN1 290a GT 308a LU 1017 WG 288a, EOS EOSCD 7770
Schola Gregoriana Monacensis, Johannes Berchmans Göschl, [3:23] - RVR
Record Title: Refloruit caro mea (16-)
Protector noster GRAD (5) GN1 268b GT 292a LU 1003a WG 87, EOS EOSCD 7698
Schola Gregoriana Monacensis, Johannes Berchmans Göschl, [3:56] - RVR
Record Title: Gustate et Videte (11-)
Domine Dominus noster COMM (2) GN1 43a GT 357a WG 106b, EOS EOSCD 7638
Ensemble Graces & Voices, Franz Karl Prassl, [1:49] - AVA
Record Title: Lumen ad revelationem gentium
Protector noster GRAD (5) LU 1003a GT 292a WG 87, Abbé de Lesseins BMT 02 D
Monks of Triors, [2:31] - RV
Record Title: Messes des dimanches d'été - I
Domine Dominus noster ... Quoniam GRAD (5) LU 1017 GT 308a WG 288a, Abbé de Lesseins BMT 03 D
Monks of Triors, [2:06] - RV
Record Title: Messes des dimanches d'été - II
Protector noster INTR (4) LU 1036b GT 323 WG 296a, Abbé de Lesseins BMT 04 D
Monks of Triors, [3:42] - AVGA
Record Title: Messes des dimanches d'été - III
Protector noster GRAD (5) LU 1003a GT 292a WG 87, L’année liturgique ALCG 05
Schola Bellarmina Bruxelles, Bernard Lorber, [2:24] - RV
Record Title: Pentecôte au 6e Dimanche après la Pentecôte (disc 2)
Domine Dominus noster ... Quoniam GRAD (5) LU 1017 GT 308a WG 288a, L’année liturgique ALCG 06
Schola Bellarmina Bruxelles, Bernard Lorber, [1:56] - RV
Record Title: Du 7e au 14e Dimanche après la Pentecôte (disc 1)
Protector noster INTR (4) LU 1036b GT 323 WG 296a, L’année liturgique ALCG 06
Schola Bellarmina Bruxelles, Bernard Lorber, [3:32] - AVGA; organ
Record Title: Du 7e au 14e Dimanche après la Pentecôte (disc 2)
Deus autem noster ANTI (P) LU 256a, L’année liturgique ALGC 12
Schola Bellarmina, Bernard Lorber, [3:46] - AVA ps.113(v.1-10,28-29) organ
Record Title: Hymnes des Vêpres - Vêpres et Complies du dim. (disc 2)
Pater noster , Eufoda 1346
Schola Trunchiniensis, Frans Mariman, [1:27] -
Record Title: Cantus Gallicanus
Pater noster , Eufoda 1346
Schola Trunchiniensis, Frans Mariman, [1:29] -
Record Title: Cantus Gallicanus
Pater noster , HASARD HASA 81191
Choeur Grégorien de Paris, Jaan-Eik Tulve, [1:13] -
Record Title: Autour du Processionnal des Trinitaires
Ecce Dominus noster ANTI (3) AM 197a LU 333a, Pneuma PN 380
Schola Antiqua (Madrid), Juan Carlos Asensio Palacios, [2:14] - AVAVAVA
Record Title: Octoechos Latino
Pater noster , Solesmes no number
Monks of Solesmes, Yves-Marie Lelièvre, [1:24] -
Record Title: Solesmes
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Paraclete S 844
Monks of Solesmes, Richard Gagné, [1:19] -
Record Title: Chants Populaires de la Liturgie Latine - vol. 1
Pater noster C GT 814 OMC 251, Paraclete S 831
Monks of Solesmes, Jean Claire, [1:22] -
Record Title: Jeudi-Saint
Pater noster C GT 814 OMC 251, Paraclete S 631
Monks of Solesmes, Jean Claire, [1:22] -
Record Title: La Messe Concélébrée du Jeudi-Saint
Pater noster CMC 695, Decca 7556
Monks of Solesmes, Jean Claire, [1:21] -
Record Title: Prières pour les Temps de Détresse
Pater noster , Decca 472 814 2
Monks of Solesmes, Joseph Gajard, [1:34] -
Record Title: Carême - Rameaux (disc 2)
Pater noster , Decca FAT 173904
Monks of Solesmes, Joseph Gajard, [1:34] -
Record Title: Messe de la Septuagésime
Ecce Dominus noster ANTI (3) AM 197a LU 333a, Libreria Editrice Vaticana LEV ACD 19
Nova Schola Gregoriana, Alberto Turco, [0:28] -
Record Title: Psallat Ecclesia
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Libreria Editrice Vaticana ACD 16
Nova Schola Gregoriana, Alberto Turco, [1:37] -
Record Title: Ecce Agnus Dei
Pater noster B GT 813 OMC 250, Libreria Editrice Vaticana ACD 16
Nova Schola Gregoriana, Alberto Turco, [1:38] -
Record Title: Ecce Agnus Dei
Pater noster C GT 814 OMC 251, Libreria Editrice Vaticana ACD 16
Nova Schola Gregoriana, Alberto Turco, [1:38] -
Record Title: Ecce Agnus Dei
Domine Dominus noster ... Quoniam GRAD (5) GT 308a LU 1017 WG 288a, Naxos 8. 550711
Nova Schola Gregoriana, Alberto Turco, Alessio Randon, [3:21] - RVR
Record Title: Adorate Deum
Pater noster C GT 814 OMC 251, MGB CD 6127
I Cantori della Turrita, Eros Beltraminelli, [1:48] -
Record Title: Canti Gregoriani
Domine Dominus noster ... Quoniam GRAD (5) LG6 103 GN1 290a GT 308a LU 1017 WG 288a, MGB CD 6127
I Cantori della Turrita, Eros Beltraminelli, [3:13] - RVR
Record Title: Canti Gregoriani
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Motette CD 50311
Choralschola Düsseldorf, Karlheinrich Hodes, [1:26] -
Record Title: Missa Sancti Martini
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Motette CD 50331
Choralschola Düsseldorf, Karlheinrich Hodes, [1:24] -
Record Title: Missa Sancti Stephani
Domine Dominus noster COMM (2) GT 357a WG 106b, Motette CD 50491
Choralschola Düsseldorf, Karlheinrich Hodes, [3:53] - AVAGA
Record Title: Communio
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Motette CD 50321-1
Choralschola Düsseldorf, Karlheinrich Hodes, [1:21] -
Record Title: In Nativitate Domini - Missa in nocte
Pater noster B GT 813 OMC 250, Motette CD 50321-2
Choralschola Düsseldorf, Karlheinrich Hodes, [1:19] -
Record Title: In Nativitate Domini - Missa in aurora
Pater noster C GT 814 OMC 251, Motette CD 50321-3
Choralschola Düsseldorf, Karlheinrich Hodes, [1:19] -
Record Title: In Nativitate Domini - Missa in die
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Motette CD 50361
Choralschola Düsseldorf, Karlheinrich Hodes, [1:21] -
Record Title: Missa in Festo Assumptionis B.V.M.
Pater noster C GT 814 OMC 251, Motette CD 50341
Choralschola Düsseldorf, Karlheinrich Hodes, [1:21] -
Record Title: Missa in Die Pascae
Pater noster B GT 813 OMC 250, Motette CD 50351
Choralschola Düsseldorf, Karlheinrich Hodes, [1:17] -
Record Title: Missa in Die Pentecostes
Rogamus te Domine Deus noster RESP (1) GT 693, Motette CD 50371
Choralschola Düsseldorf, Karlheinrich Hodes, [2:18] -
Record Title: Missa pro Defunctis - Requiem
Pater noster B GT 813 OMC 250, Motette CD 50371
Choralschola Düsseldorf, Karlheinrich Hodes, [1:16] -
Record Title: Missa pro Defunctis - Requiem
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Motette CD 50401
Nuns of Mariendonk, [1:21] -
Record Title: In Assumptione BMV - Ad Missam
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Christophorus CHR 77573
Monks of Münsterschwarzach, Godehard Joppich, [1:28] -
Record Title: Pfingsten - Eucharistie - Maria
Pater noster , Paoline PCD 291
Cantori Gregoriani, Fulvio Rampi, [1:04] -
Record Title: Messe Gregoriane
Pater noster , private no number
Schola Cantorum of St. John Cantius, Scott A. Haynes, [1:17] -
Record Title: Sancta Missa
Pater noster , IPG 7561
Nuns of Argentan, [1:31] -
Record Title: Messe des Saints Joachim et Anne
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Erasmus WVH 194
Schola Cantorum Karolus Magnus, Stan Hollaardt, [1:24] -
Record Title: Canticum Novum (Dominica 5 of Easter)
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Erasmus WVH 157
Schola Cantorum of the Ward Institute, Sevenum, Louis Krekelberg, [1:24] -
Record Title: Rorate Coeli (Dominica 4 of Advent)
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Herald HAVPCD 189
Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge, Mary Berry, [1:11] -
Record Title: Mass of the Annunciation
Pater noster , Herald HAVPCD 180
Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge; Choristers of King's College Cambridge, Mary Berry, [1:13] -
Record Title: The Ceremony of the Shepherds and Midnight Mass
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, OLGS FSSP 101
Schola of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, [1:21] -
Record Title: In Cena Domini
Pater noster , Decca 7554
Nuns of Argentan, [1:24] -
Record Title: Messe Complète du VIIe Dimanche de Pâques
Pater noster , Paulus 000729
Schola Cantorum Magnificat, Juan Lee Dae Sung, [1:01] -
Record Title: Dominica Prima et Secunda Adventus
Pater noster , Paulus 000729
Schola Cantorum Magnificat, Juan Lee Dae Sung, [1:01] -
Record Title: Dominica Prima et Secunda Adventus
Pater noster , Paulus 000736
Schola Cantorum Magnificat, Juan Lee Dae Sung, [1:01] -
Record Title: Dominica Tertia et Quarta Adventus
Pater noster , Paulus 000736
Schola Cantorum Magnificat, Juan Lee Dae Sung, [1:01] -
Record Title: Dominica Tertia et Quarta Adventus
Pater noster , Paulus 000743
Schola Cantorum Magnificat, Juan Lee Dae Sung, [1:01] -
Record Title: In Nativitate Domini et cantus varii
Pater noster , Paulus 000750
Schola Cantorum Magnificat, Juan Lee Dae Sung, [1:01] -
Record Title: Dominica Pentecostes et in Assumptione B.M.V.
Pater noster , Paulus 000750
Schola Cantorum Magnificat, Juan Lee Dae Sung, [1:01] -
Record Title: Dominica Pentecostes et in Assumptione B.M.V.
Pater noster , Archiv 00289 479 2593
Monks of Beuron, Maurus Pfaff, [1:31] -
Record Title: The Office - The Mass - Varia (c)
Pater noster , Pristine Classical PACO 066
Monks of Beuron, Maurus Pfaff, [1:31] -
Record Title: Christmas (a)
Pater noster , Pristine Classical PACO 066
Monks of Beuron, Maurus Pfaff, [1:31] -
Record Title: Christmas (c)
Pater noster , Deutsche Grammophon 427 014 2
Monks of Beuron, Maurus Pfaff, [1:31] -
Record Title: Third Christmas Mass
Pater noster , Deutsche Grammophon 445 046 2
Monks of Beuron, Maurus Pfaff, [1:31] -
Record Title: Weihnachtsmessen
Pater noster , Archiv 00289 479 2593
Monks of Beuron, Maurus Pfaff, [1:42] -
Record Title: The Office - The Mass - Varia (d)
Pater noster , Pristine Classical PACO 056
Monks of Beuron, Maurus Pfaff, [1:42] -
Record Title: Liturgia Paschalis
Pater noster , Pristine Classical PACO 056
Monks of Beuron, Maurus Pfaff, [1:54] -
Record Title: Liturgia Paschalis
Pater noster , Archiv APM 14104/06
Monks of Beuron, Maurus Pfaff, [1:42] -
Record Title: Liturgia Paschalis
Pater noster , Archiv APM 14104/06
Monks of Beuron, Maurus Pfaff, [1:54] -
Record Title: Liturgia Paschalis
Pater noster , Archiv APM 14002
Monks of Beuron, Maurus Pfaff, [1:48] -
Record Title: Prima Missa in Commemoratione Omnium Fidelium Defunctorum (Requiem)
Pater noster MIL, Archiv AP 13005
Monks of Beuron, Maurus Pfaff, [2:09] -
Record Title: Primae Vesperae in Nativitate Domini Nostri Jesu Christi
Pater noster , Archiv 00289 479 2593
Nuns of Unserer Lieben Frau, Varensell, [1:29] -
Record Title: The Office - The Mass - Varia (e)
Pater noster , Archiv SAPM 198 046
Nuns of Unserer Lieben Frau, Varensell, [1:29] -
Record Title: Missa in Festo Assumptionis B.V.M.
Pater noster , Archiv 198 303
Nuns of Unserer Lieben Frau, Varensell, [1:24] -
Record Title: Missa in Festo Pentecostes
Pater noster CMC 695, private SF1 880701
Choeur Grégorien de Nantes, Maurice Tillie, [1:19] -
Record Title: Le Temps du Carême (Quadrigesima 1 & 4)
Pater noster , Sony 88985 42410 2
Schola Cantorum of St. John Cantius, Scott A. Haynes, [1:16] -
Record Title: Puer Natus
Pater noster , EMI Classics 7243 5 57983 2
Choir of King's College, Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury, [1:06] -
Record Title: Gregorian Chant (Sept. 8)
Ave Rex noster ... Patri ALLE (1) , private ICRSP 5
Institut du Christ-Roi, Gricigliano, Wulfran Lebocq, [2:18] - Graduale Romanum 1924 page [90a]
Record Title: Passio Domini (Preciosa Sanguinis - votiva de Passione)
Pater noster , private no number
Institut du Christ-Roi, Gricigliano, Wulfran Lebocq, [1:09] -
Record Title: Messes de Saint François de Sales et de Saint Benoît
Pater noster , KvK 003
Koristen en Cantores van Keizersberg, Kris Op de Beeck, [1:22] - organ
Record Title: Deus in adjutorium (Dominica XVIII & IV)
Pater noster , SigNum TOT 93002
Schola Cum Jubilo Watou, [1:18] -
Record Title: Cantus Gregorianus - Dominica Resurrectionis
Pater noster , Brave BRAV 0822
vocal ensemble, Michael Olbash, [1:18] -
Record Title: Blessed is the Ordinary (Dominica XXVII)
Rogamus te Domine Deus noster RESP (1) GT 693, Gloriae Dei GDCD 021
Gloriae Dei Cantores schola, Richard J. Pugsley, [2:32] -
Record Title: Gregorian Requiem
Pater noster , Sony SK 62820
Grupo de Música Alfonso X el Sabio, Luis Lozano Virumbrales, [1:24] -
Record Title: Ritual Carolingio (Requiem)
Pater noster , Cum Jubilo DC 000 1046
Schola Cum Jubilo Watou, Wim Orbie, [1:20] -
Record Title: In Paradisum (Requiem)
Pater noster , Kevin Mayhew KMCD 1019
St. Ethelreda's Choir, Ely Place, London, Terence Charlston, [1:21] -
Record Title: Essential Gregorian Chant, Volume 1 (Requiem)
Pater noster , Fontec FOCD 9178
Chorus Instituti St. Gregorius, Tokyo, Godehard Joppich, [1:33] -
Record Title: In Resurrectione Domini
Pater noster , Fontec FOCD 9276
Chorus Instituti St. Gregorius, Tokyo, Godehard Joppich, [0:34] -
Record Title: In Passione Domini (3rd Sunday of Lent)
Pater noster , Alhambra 74321 21573 2
Escolania of Montserrat, Ireneu Segarra, [1:14] -
Record Title: Missa Matinal (O.L. Montserrat)
Pater noster , Studio S.M. SM 30 A- 129
Monks and Nuns of Le Bec-Hellouin, [1:31] -
Record Title: L’Épiphanie
Pater noster , Studio S.M. SM 30. 681
Monks and Nuns of Le Bec-Hellouin, [1:31] -
Record Title: L’Épiphanie
Pater noster , Studio S.M. SM 12 19.10
Monks and Nuns of Le Bec-Hellouin, [1:31] -
Record Title: Le Temps de Noël (c)
Protector noster GRAD (5) LU 1003a GT 292a WG 87, Foon W33/ 34.838
Schola Cantorum Achel, Michael Stumpfel, [2:17] - RV
Record Title: Mis Exaudi Domine (Dominica XI)
Pater noster , private no number
Monks of Sant'Anselmo, Rome, Eugène Cardine, [1:19] -
Record Title: Mass of the Third Sunday after Pentecost
Pater noster , UPE Classics 4750404004024
Schola Cantorum Riga, Guntars Prānis, [1:09] -
Record Title: Riga Mass (Dedication)
Pater noster , private WBR 9801
Schola St. Johannes te Eygelshoven, Kees Stouten, [1:14] -
Record Title: Da Pacem (Dominica III of Easter)
Pater noster , Virgin Veritas 7243 5 45398 2 4
Ensemble Gilles Binchois, Dominque Vellard, [2:29] - MS Laon 263 troped Salus nostra
Record Title: Les trois Maries
Pater noster , private CD-CD 1998 .02
Choralschola Durlach, Johannes Schmerbeck, Franz Schmerbeck, [2:26] - organ
Record Title: Rex in aeternum - Christkönig
Pater noster , private CD-CD 1998 .01
Choralschola Durlach, Johannes Schmerbeck, Franz Schmerbeck, [1:24] -
Record Title: Psallite Domino - Christi Himmelfahrt
Pater noster , Bella Musica BM-CD 31. 2216
Choralschola Durlach, Johannes Schmerbeck, Martin Goebel, [1:19] -
Record Title: Ave Maria - Annunciatio Domini
Pater noster , XXI CD 2 1696
Monks of Saint-Benoît-du-Lac, Georges Mercure, [1:29] -
Record Title: Rythmique Grégorienne (Corpus Christi)
Pater noster , Lumen AMS 11
Monks of Montserrat, Odilon Cunill, [] -
Record Title: Grand'Messe à Montserrat (3rd Sunday after Easter)
Pater noster , St. Joseph's Abbey Choir SJA 1002
Cistercian Monks of St. Joseph's Abbey, Spencer, MA, Joseph Gajard, [1:39] -
Record Title: This is High Mass (Dominica XXIII p. Pent.)
Pater noster , Columbia KL 5311
Choir of Santa Susanna Church, Rome, [1:31] -
Record Title: The Mass - Canon Sydney MacEwen (Dominica XXI p. Pent.)
Pater noster , Coimbra CC 1
St. Dominic Church choir and congregation, Northampton, [1:09] -
Record Title: The Mass at Downham Market (All Saints)
Pater noster , private AS 713019
parish choir and congregation, [1:12] -
Record Title: Paroisse du Mesnil-Saint-Loup (Dominica XXIII p. Pent.)
Pater noster , St. Paul SP/ 1
Monks of Prinknash, [1:27] -
Record Title: Easter at Prinknash
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Arsis AC 010 CDA1
Monks of San Salvador, Leyre, Luis Maria Pérez, [0:59] -
Record Title: Gregoriano en Leyre (8th Sunday of the Year)
Pater noster CMC 695, Arsis AC 010 CDA1
Monks of San Salvador, Leyre, Luis Maria Pérez, [1:17] -
Record Title: Gregoriano en Leyre (8th Sunday of the Year)
Pater noster C GT 814 OMC 251, Eurosound ES 46.367
St. Joseph Choir, Helmond, Silvère van Lieshout, [0:57] -
Record Title: De zondagen door het jaar XXIII en XXXIII
Pater noster B GT 813 OMC 250, Eurosound ES 46.367
St. Joseph Choir, Helmond, Silvère van Lieshout, [0:59] -
Record Title: De zondagen door het jaar XXIII en XXXIII
Ecce Dominus noster ANTI (3) LU 333a AM 197a , Talent DOM 2910 20
Scola Gregoriana Saint Sauveur Cathedral Bruges, Roger Deruwe, [0:23] -
Record Title: Puer Natus Est
Ecce Dominus noster ANTI (3) LU 333a AM 197a, His Master's Voice 1A 067- 27 0321 1
Scola Gregoriana Saint Sauveur Cathedral Bruges, Roger Deruwe, [0:23] -
Record Title: Puer Natus Est
Pater noster , private SF1 921001
Choeur Grégorien de Nantes, Maurice Tillie, [1:12] -
Record Title: Le Temps de l'Avent
Pater noster CMC 695, Fontec FPCD 2016/7
Little Spiritual Fantastic Singers Arakawa, Tokyo, Yoshio Mizushima, Akemaro Watanabe, [1:28] -
Record Title: Cantus Gregorianus
Pater noster , Sony 88985 45569 2
Schola Cantorum of St. John Cantius, Scott A. Haynes, [1:17] -
Record Title: Te Deum
Protector noster INTR (4) GT 323 LU 1036b WG 296a, ORF ORF-CD 058
Grazer Choralschola, Franz Karl Prassl, [2:56] - AVA
Record Title: Introitus (disc 3)
Pater noster , Hungaroton HCD 31922
Schola Hungarica, László Dobszay, Janka Szendrei, [4:03] - troped Fidem auge
Record Title: The Holy Lady of Chartres
Pater noster , Hungaroton HCD 12742
Schola Hungarica, Janka Szendrei, László Dobszay, [1:06] -
Record Title: Gregorian Chants in a Village Church
Rex noster ALLE (1) MMMA7 46, Hungaroton HCD 12048 2
Schola Hungarica, László Dobszay, Janka Szendrei, [2:37] - MS Bratislava, Knauz 10
Record Title: Magyar Gregoriánum 2
Rex noster ALLE (1) MMMA7 46, LaserLight 12 350
Capella Gregoriana (Schola Hungarica), László Dobszay, Janka Szendrei, [2:37] - MS Bratislava, Knauz 10
Record Title: Gregorian Chants - Advent
Domine Dominus noster COMM (2) GT 357a WG 106b, Studio S.M. D 3138
Monks of Ligugé, [3:14] - AVAVA
Record Title: Hymne de l'univers
Domine Dominus noster ... Quoniam GRAD (5) GT 308a LU 1017 WG 288a, Studio S.M. 12 16.74
Monks of Ligugé, Olivier Bossard, [2:59] - RVR
Record Title: Laudate Deum
Pater noster , Studio S.M. SM 33- 31
Monks of Ligugé, [1:28] -
Record Title: Jeudi-Saint
Ave Rex noster ANTI (1) LV 589b LU – , Studio S.M. SM 33- 30
Monks of Ligugé, [2:59] -
Record Title: Les Rameaux
Pater noster , Jade JAD C 113
Monks of Saint-Wandrille, Jean-Paul Armanini, [1:19] -
Record Title: Messe du Dimanche
Pater noster , Jade 198548 2
Choeur Grégorien de Paris; Petits Chanteurs de Sainte-Croix de Neuilly, Xavier Chancerelle, Hervé Lamy, [1:29] - Milanese
Record Title: Pater Noster
Salvator noster dilectissimi LESSON ( ) LF 19, Sophia 00860007106705
St. Peter Wigratzbad seminarians, [1:49] -
Record Title: Sancta Nox
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Diamo CD-L 30341
Monks of St. Peter, Salzburg, Armin Kircher, [1:26] -
Record Title: Asperges me
Domine Dominus noster COMM (2) GN1 43a GT 357a WG 106b, Kösel-Verlag 978-3-466- 17080 -1
Münchner Scholaren, Gregor Baumhof, [1:58] - AVA
Record Title: Gesänge der Hoffnung
Domine Dominus noster ... Quoniam GRAD (5) GT 308a LU 1017 WG 288a, Klangschritte 67918
Münchner Scholaren, Gregor Baumhof, [3:16] - RVR
Record Title: Stimmen des Staunens
Pater noster , Radio Canada International 383
Monks of Saint-Benoît-du-Lac, André Saint-Cyr, [1:20] -
Record Title: Messe de Saint Martin
Pater noster , OCP 20187
Cantores in Ecclesia, Dean Applegate, [1:27] -
Record Title: Inclina Domine
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, OCP 12014
Cantores in Ecclesia, Dean Applegate, [2:06] -
Record Title: O Lux Beatissima
Protector noster INTR (4) GT 323 LU 1036b WG 296a, Art & Musique AM/CD/107/ 30001
Choeur Grégorien du Mans, Philippe Lenoble, [3:16] - AVA
Record Title: Ce jour là
Pater noster C GT 814 OMC 251, Mira 399325
Schola Cantorum Karolus Magnus, Stan Hollaardt, [1:09] -
Record Title: La Divina Commedia Gregoriana
Ave Rex noster ANTI (1) LV 589b LU – , Brilliant 93001
Schola Cantorum Karolus Magnus, Stan Hollaardt, [2:57] -
Record Title: Imago Christi
Pater noster , Alhambra 74321- 21574- 2
Monks of Montserrat, Odilon Cunill, [1:19] -
Record Title: Cants Gregorians de la Missa
Deus noster es tu ANTI (3) , Fønix Musik FMF-CD 1201
Danish Hildegard Ensemble, Jette Thomsen, [5:11] - AVA ps.113(v.1-8,28-29)
Record Title: Ave Maria
Pater noster , Pauline FPM CD 166
Schola Gregoriana de Seoul, Chang-Rhyong Lee (?), [1:23] -
Record Title: Cantus Gregorianus
Ecce Rex noster RESP ( ) , Tactus TC 100005
Schola Gregoriana di Venezia, Lanfranco Menga, [2:49] - MS Zagreb, BK MR 27
Record Title: Resonet intonet
Pater noster , Gael Linn SDGCD 603
Seminarians of St. Patrick's College, John O'Keeffe, [1:03] -
Record Title: Gregorian Chant from Maynooth
Pater noster , World Library 2402
Schola Cantorum of Corpus Christi Cathedral, Greg Labus, [1:23] -
Record Title: Chant Corpus Christi
Pater noster CMC 695, Arion 202 B 207
Schola Gregoriana Gaudeamus, Luis Angel López Aranzadi, [1:12] -
Record Title: Exaltate Deum
Salvator noster dilectissimi LESSON , Opus 111 OPS 30-143
Discantus, Brigitte Lesne, [4:22] - 2-voice troped O dos novum
Record Title: Eya Mater
Ave Rex noster ANTI (1) LV 589b LU –, Sony SBK 60360
Capella Antiqua München, Konrad Ruhland, [2:39] -
Record Title: Paschale Mysterium
Ave Rex noster ANTI (1) LV 589b LU – , Supraphon SU 3448 2 231
Schola Gregoriana Pragensis; Boni Pueri, David Eben; Pavel Horák, [2:18] - variant MS Pa 903
Record Title: Adoratio Crucis
Pater noster CMC 695, Supraphon SU 3271 2 231
Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, David Eben, [1:03] -
Record Title: Liturgical Year
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Rugginenti RUS 552153 2
Schola Gregoriana Mediolanensis, Giovanni Vianini, Giovanni Vianini, [1:14] -
Record Title: Te Deum (b)
Pater noster , private no number
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, Francis Mary Roaldi, [1:06] -
Record Title: Sacred Chant
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, MCD MCD 138
Monks of São Bento, Rocco Fraioli, [0:56] -
Record Title: Cantus Selecti
Deus autem noster ANTI (P) LU 256a, private no number
Ensemble Absalon, Manolo Gonzalez, [3:03] - AVA ps.113 (v.1,2,3,5,10,15,27,28,29) alternatim fauxbourdon
Record Title: Ego sum alpha & O
Protector noster GRAD (5) GT 292a LU 1003a WG 87, Cum Jubilo SIG 2003-05
Choristers of Westminster Cathedral Choir, Martin Baker, [2:26] - RV
Record Title: Watou 2003 Psallite Deo (2)
Protector noster INTR (4) GT 323 LU 1036b WG 296a, Cum Jubilo SIG 2003-05
Choristers of Westminster Cathedral Choir, Martin Baker, [3:19] - AVA
Record Title: Watou 2003 Psallite Deo (2)
Ave Rex noster ANTI (1) LV 589b LU –, DigiClassics DC 0101055
Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, David Eben, [2:08] - variant
Record Title: Cantus Gregorianus (8)
Rex noster RESP HBW 53, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 05472 77346 2
Sequentia, Barbara Thornton, [6:13] - with organistrum
Record Title: Voice of the Blood
Rex noster RESP HBW 53, Celestial Harmonies 13127 2
Sinfonye, Stevie Wishart, [4:24] - with symphony
Record Title: Symphony of the Harmony of Celestial Revelations
Rex noster RESP HBW 53, Lyrichord LEMS 8027
Norma Gentile, [4:29] - with drones
Record Title: Unfurling Love's Creation
Rex noster RESP HBW 53, Champeaux CSM 0006
Catherine Schroeder, [3:27] -
Record Title: O Nobilissima Viriditas
Rex noster RESP HBW 53, Music & Arts CD 1291
Vajra Voices, Karen R. Clark, [2:23] - with harp
Record Title: O Eterne Deus
Rex noster RESP HBW 53, Berlin 0300425 BC
VocaMe, Michael Popp, [4:16] - with instruments
Record Title: Hildegard von Bingen
Rex noster RESP HBW 53, Spectrum 86786 344 7
Viriditas, Juliette Hughes, Nick Tsiavos, [5:07] - with instruments
Record Title: Jouissance
Pater noster , STJ 500
Chorały Karmelitańskie (Kraków), Ewa Domagała, [1:11] -
Record Title: Sancta Mater Teresia
Pater noster , Musicon MCD 001
Dominican Friars of Holy Trinity, Cracow, [1:04] -
Record Title: Alma Redemptoris
Pater noster , Musicon MCD 038
Dominican Friars, Cracow, [1:19] -
Record Title: In Assumptione B.M.V.
Pater noster , Obsculta OM 0002
Cistercian Monks of Heiligenkreuz, Simeon Wester, [1:21] -
Record Title: Missa Latina (a)
Pater noster , Studio S.M. SM 30- 621
Cistercian Monks of Melleray, [1:18] -
Record Title: Jubilate Deo
Protector noster GRAD (5) GT 292a LU 1003a WG 87, Quantum QM 6892
Ensemble Venance Fortunat, Anne-Marie Deschamps, [3:14] - RVR
Record Title: Gaude Felix Francia - Rituel
Pater noster , Eufoda 1217
Norbertine canons of Averbode, Marc Fierens, [1:08] - organ
Record Title: Pasen
Pater noster , Meinema UA/ 1009
Norbertine canons of Averbode, Marc Fierens, [1:02] - organ
Record Title: Klanken van Stilte
Pater noster , L'Arca di Sant'Antimo no number
Norbertine Canons of Sant'Antimo, Jaan-Eik Tulve, [1:19] -
Record Title: Mysterium
Pater noster , L'Arca di Sant'Antimo no number
Norbertine Canons of Sant'Antimo, Emmanuel Roze; Denise Lebon, [1:16] -
Record Title: Missa Est
Lazarus amicus noster ANTI (1) AM 380b LU 1096b, Grande Chartreuse GC 9607
Monks of La Grande Chartreuse, [1:09] - AVVA variant Carthusian rite
Record Title: In Principio
Pater noster , Fermate 40.010
Schola der Dominikaner, Thomas Möller, [0:59] -
Record Title: Vesperae in honorem Sancti Dominici [DO21]
Gaude cetus fidelium ANTI LMLO HE61:VA1, Ondine ODE 874 2
Cetus noster, [3:28] - AVA ps.112 abridged
Record Title: Memoria Sancti Henrici [HE61]
Salvator noster dilectissimi LESSON , Hungaroton HCD 12950
Schola Hungarica, László Dobszay, Janka Szendrei, [3:12] - 2-voice troped O dos novum MS Graz, U.B. III 29
Record Title: Gregorian Chant from Austria [RV22]
Magnus Dominus noster bRES ( ) , Talent TVA 1010 -2
St. Hallvard-guttene, Ølstein Vogt, [1:36] -
Record Title: Kyrie Eleison [HALV]
Christus Deus noster ANTI ( ) FING VA4, Lindberg 2L 114 SACD
Schola Sanctae Sunnivae, Anne Kleivset, [0:43] -
Record Title: Fingergull [FING]
Domine Dominus noster ANTI (1) COMP MA1, CPO CPO 777 604 2
Amarcord, [2:29] - AVVGSA
Record Title: Historia de Compassione Mariae [COMP]
Ave Rex noster ... tibi gloria ALLE ( ) , private AM-M 001
Coro Abbazia della Novalesa, Enrico Demaria, [1:44] -
Record Title: In honore Sanctissimae Sindonis [SIND]
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Linn CKD 152
American Boychoir, James Litton, [1:26] -
Record Title: Johann Michael Haydn
Pater noster , Saint Gregory Society 1
Schola Cantorum of the Saint Gregory Society, Nicholas Renouf, [1:23] -
Record Title: Solemn Mass of Pentecost
Pater noster , Saint Gregory Society 2
Schola Cantorum of the Saint Gregory Society, Nicholas Renouf, [1:23] -
Record Title: Solemn Mass of Christmas Day
Pater noster , Saint Gregory Society 3
Schola Cantorum of the Saint Gregory Society, Nicholas Renouf, [1:24] -
Record Title: Solemn Mass of Corpus Christi
Pater noster , Saint Gregory Society 4
Schola Cantorum of the Saint Gregory Society, Nicholas Renouf, [1:21] -
Record Title: Solemn Mass of the Assumption of Our Lady
Pater noster , Saint Gregory Society 5
Schola Cantorum of the Saint Gregory Society, Nicholas Renouf, [1:08] -
Record Title: Solemn Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Pater noster , Saint Gregory Society 6
Schola Cantorum of the Saint Gregory Society, Nicholas Renouf, [1:18] -
Record Title: Solemn Mass of Easter Day
Pater noster , Saint Gregory Society 7
Schola Cantorum of the Saint Gregory Society, Nicholas Renouf, [1:31] -
Record Title: Solemn Mass of the Epiphany
Pater noster , Saint Gregory Society 8
Schola Cantorum of the Saint Gregory Society, Nicholas Renouf, [1:14] -
Record Title: Solemn Votive Mass in Honor of St. Gregory the Great
Pater noster , Saint Gregory Society 9
Schola Cantorum of the Saint Gregory Society, Nicholas Renouf, [1:28] -
Record Title: Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Pater noster , Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 05472 77814 2
Choralschola der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Thomas Binkley, [1:32] -
Record Title: Messe de Pâques de Notre Dame de Paris
Pater noster , Herald HAVPCD 312
Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge, Mary Berry, [1:44] -
Record Title: Guillaume de Machault
Pater noster , Virginia Arts VA 06436
Zephyrus Medieval Quartet, Paul Walker, [1:26] -
Record Title: Guillaume de Machaut
Pater noster , Harmonic H/CD 8931
Ensemble Gilles Binchois, Dominique Vellard, [1:34] -
Record Title: Messe de Notre-Dame de Guillaume de Machaut
Pater noster , EMI CDC 7 47949 2
Taverner Choir, Andrew Parrott, [1:16] -
Record Title: Guillaume de Machaut
Pater noster , private no number
St. Mary's Schola Cantorum (Norwalk CT), David J. Hughes, [1:18] -
Record Title: Lux fulgebit
Pater noster , Focus 934
Pro Arte Singers, Thomas Binkley, [1:28] -
Record Title: (Du Fay) Missa Se la face ay pale
Pater noster , Focus 941
Pro Arte Singers, Thomas Binkley, [1:07] -
Record Title: (Du Fay) Missa Ecce ancilla Domini
Pater noster , Challenge Classics CC 72632
Cappella Pratensis, Stratton Bull, [1:09] -
Record Title: Josquin Desprez - Missa Ave maris stella
Pater noster , Nimbus NI 5218
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Stephen Darlington, [1:21] -
Record Title: Taverner - Missa Mater Christi
Pater noster , EMI CDC 7 49103 2
Taverner Choir, Andrew Parrott, [1:42] -
Record Title: Taverner
Pater noster , Glossa GCD 921404
Michael Noone, Josep Cabré, [1:49] -
Record Title: (Morales) Assumption Mass
Pater noster , Archiv 449 143 2
Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh, [2:09] -
Record Title: Morales - Mass
Pater noster , Archiv 457 597 -2
Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh, [1:22] - omits Sed libera nos a malo.
Record Title: Morales - Requiem
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b PMC 249, Etcetera KTC 1415
Gregoriana Amsterdam, Geert Maessen, [1:26] -
Record Title: De Leidse Koorboeken Vol. VI
Pater noster , Herald HAVPCD 195
Musica Contexta, Simon Ravens, [1:21] -
Record Title: (Sheppard) Midnight Mass for Queen Mary Tudor
Pater noster , Archiv 289 457 658 2
Gabrieli Consort, Salisbury Cathedral boy choristers, Paul McCreesh, [1:16] -
Record Title: (Sheppard) Missa Cantate
Pater noster , Hungaroton HCD 31583
Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis, János Mezei, [1:14] -
Record Title: Medieval Mass of Blessed Mary
Pater noster , BBC Artium REGL 572
William Byrd Choir, Gavin Turner, [1:12] -
Record Title: (Palestrina) Mass of St. Sylvester
Pater noster , Azymuth 0100 116
Knapenkoor In Dulci Jubilo, Sint-Niklaas, Marcel Van Daele, [1:24] -
Record Title: (Palestrina) Spiritus Domini
Pater noster , Archiv 437 833 2
Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh, [1:29] -
Record Title: (Palestrina) Christmas Mass in Rome
Pater noster CMC 695, Ricercar 206152
Choeur de chambre de Namur, Jean Tubéry, [1:36] -
Record Title: (Rogier) Un office de mariage à la cour d’Espagne
Pater noster CMC 695, Ricercar RIC 229
Choeur de chambre de Namur, Jean Tubéry, [1:06] -
Record Title: (Romero) Un office pour l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or
Pater noster , Glossa GCD 921402
Josep Cabré, [1:43] -
Record Title: Francisco Guerrero - Requiem
Pater noster , Hyperion CDA 67748
Lay Clerks of Westminster Cathedral, Matthew Martin, [1:27] -
Record Title: Victoria - Missa Gaudeamus
Pater noster , Dynamic CDS 261
Festina Lente, Michele Gasbarro, [1:19] -
Record Title: (Victoria) Missa Ave Regina
Pater noster , Archiv 447 095 2
Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh, [1:13] -
Record Title: Victoria - Requiem
Pater noster , Tactus TC 600201
Cappella Musicale Santa Maria in Campitelli, Massimo Bisson, [1:29] -
Record Title: Orazio Benevoli
Pater noster , Musica Omnia mo 0209
Magnificat, Warren Stewart, [1:33] -
Record Title: Cozzolani - Messa Paschale
Pater noster , CRD 3539
Keble College Choir Oxford, Paul Brough, Graham Kirk, [1:16] - adds Quia tuum... LC 28a
Record Title: Resurrexi !
Pater noster , Herald HAVPCD 284
Choir of Westminster Cathedral, Martin Baker, [1:09] -
Record Title: Resurrexit
Pater noster , Herald HAVPCD 179
Farnborough Abbey Choir, Anthony Noble, [1:31] -
Record Title: (Langlais) Laetabunda
Pater noster , The Gift of Music CDG 1100
Magdala, David Skinner, [1:13] -
Record Title: Christmas Meditations
Pater noster , Jade 64135 91008 2
Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos, Julio López, [1:18] -
Record Title: Requiem Aeternam
Magnus Dominus noster bRES (6) AM 162, Pax 3DL 9- 341
Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos, Julio López, [1:13] -
Record Title: Anthología de piezas gregorianas
Pater noster , Jade 73138 36393 2
Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos, Julio López, [1:18] -
Record Title: The Definitive Collection
Pater noster , efen EFE 13105
Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos, Julio López, [1:18] -
Record Title: Difuntos
Pater noster , Winged Lion SIGCD 287
Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh, [1:31] -
Record Title: A New Venetian Coronation 1595
Pater noster , Archiv 289 471 333 2
Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh, [1:19] -
Record Title: A Venetian Christmas
Pater noster , Archiv 453 427 2
Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh, [1:18] -
Record Title: Venetian Easter Mass
Pater noster , Virgin Veritas VC 7 91110 2
Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh, [1:24] -
Record Title: A Venetian Coronation 1595
Protector noster GRAD (5) LU 1003a GT 292a WG 87, Cantate C 58032
Ensemble devotio moderna, Ulrike Volkhardt, [1:56] - RVR variant MS Kloster Lüne
Record Title: God sy gelovet
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Music Makers LCD 003
Schola Cantamus, Jeremy de Sargé, [1:06] -
Record Title: Plainsong for Parishes
Pater noster , Novalis 150 087 2
Wiener Akademie, Martin Haselböck, [1:34] -
Record Title: Mozart - Salieri
Pater noster , Christophorus CHR 77114
Choralschola Universität Salzburg, Rupert Gottfried Frieberger, [1:13] -
Record Title: Mozart Requiem
Pater noster A GT 812 LC 27b OMC 249, Koch Schwann 313 001 H1
Niederrheinische Chorgemeinschaft, Hartmut Schmidt, [1:13] -
Record Title: Pater noster from 7 centuries
Pater noster , Arion ARN 58463
Ensemble Polyphonique de Montparnasse, Victor Martin, [1:34] -
Record Title: Messes des Paroisses avant Vatican II
Pater noster , Pax SCWO 2553
Nuns of St. Cecilia, Ryde, [1:32] -
Record Title: Jubilate Deo
Pater noster , Alphée 9611007
Choeur Grégorien Méditerranée, Damien Poisblaud, [1:37] -
Record Title: Requiem Grégorien
Pater noster , Deutsche Grammophon 481 1335
Sistine Chapel Choir, Massimo Palombella, [1:12] - organ
Record Title: Habemus Papam
Pater noster CMC 695, GIA CD 459
Cathedral Singers, Richard Proulx, [1:17] -
Record Title: More Sublime Chant
Pater noster , Chant Cd 7
Saint John Schola, San Francisco, [1:14] -
Record Title: Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter and Paul
Pater noster , Chant Cd 6
Saint John Schola, San Francisco, [1:14] -
Record Title: 4th Sunday after Easter
Pater noster , Chant Cd 2
Saint John Schola, San Francisco, [1:19] -
Record Title: Christmas Mass
Pater noster , RCA Victor LPP 102
Instituto Pio X do Rio de Janeiro, João Evangelista Enout, [1:24] -
Record Title: Canto Gregoriano - Semana Santa
Pater noster , Ward Centrum Nederland WCN 830328
Petits Chanteurs de St. Joseph, Helmond, Silvère van Lieshout, [0:59] -
Record Title: Liber Cantualis
Pater noster , KRO Klassiek 313 19
Utrecht Student Gregorian Choir, Jan Boogaarts, [1:06] -
Record Title: Terribilis est locus iste
Pater noster , Psallite PET 18 260 265
Monks of Maria Laach, Willibrord Heckenbach, [1:28] -
Record Title: Hochamt vom Sonntag Sexagesima 1965
Pater noster , Psallite PET 156 180 574
Schola Cantorum St. Godehard, Hannover, Peter Kaufhold, [1:32] -
Record Title: Requiem Aeternam
Pater noster , Psallite PET 143 070 773
Schola Cantorum St. Godehard, Hannover, Peter Kaufhold, [1:08] -
Record Title: O lux beatissima
Pater noster , KRO 313 45
Utrecht Student Gregorian Choir, Jan Boogaarts, [1:19] -
Record Title: De Goede Week (disc 4)
Pater noster , KRO 313 44
Utrecht Student Gregorian Choir, Jan Boogaarts, [1:27] -
Record Title: De Goede Week (disc 19)
Pater noster , KRO 313 26
Utrecht Student Gregorian Choir, Jan Boogaarts, [1:19] -
Record Title: De Goede Week (disc 16)
Pater noster , KRO 313 41
Schola Cantorum of the Ward Institute, Sevenum, Louis Krekelberg, [1:18] -
Record Title: Maria Onbevlekte Ontvangenis
Pater noster , Disques SERP MC 7058
Écône Seminary Choir, François Guillard, [1:27] -
Record Title: Messe à Écône
Pater noster , Angelicum LEV 03
Schola of Sant' Anselmo, Notker Wolf, [1:36] -
Record Title: Iubilate Deo
Deus autem noster ANTI (P) LU 256a, Fonit LP 2015
Schola di San Giorgio Maggiore - Venezia, Pellegrino M. Ernetti, [7:28] - AVA ps.113
Record Title: Il Canto Gregoriano IV
Pater noster CMC 695, Omega OM 666.004
Schola Cantorum of the Ward-Institute, Roermond, Jos Lennards, [1:36] -
Record Title: Ordinarium Missae
Pater noster , Mirror Music 00006/9
Les Ménèstrels, Klaus Walter, [1:06] -
Record Title: Guillaume de Machaut
Pater noster CMC 695, His Master's Voice HMS 11
Brompton Oratory Choir, Henry Washington, [0:55] - no amens mx.2EA13121
Record Title: History of Music in Sound (a)
Protector noster GRAD (5) LU 1003a GT 292a WG 87, His Master's Voice HMS 12
Nashdom Abbey Choir, Anselm Hughes, [1:57] - mx.2EA13359-1
Record Title: History of Music in Sound (b)
Pater noster CMC 695, His Master's Voice HLP 3
Brompton Oratory Choir, Henry Washington, [1:16] - Angles ed.
Record Title: History of Music in Sound (e)
Deus autem noster ANTI (P) LU 256a, Oxford OUP 161
Pro Cantione Antiqua, Edgar Fleet, [1:19] - AVA ps.113 (v.1,2,3,15,28,29)
Record Title: Sacred Monophony
Pater noster , Gregorian Institute CA 5
Cathedral Choir, Providence, RI, C. Alexander Peloquin, [1:33] -
Record Title: Christmas at the Cathedral
Pater noster , Vanguard VSD 71217
Schola Antiqua, R. John Blackley, [0:44] -
Record Title: A Guide to Gregorian Chant
Pater noster , Veriton SXV 821-822
Poznań Cathedral Choir, Zdzisław Bernat, [1:39] - congregation organ
Record Title: Missa Pro Pace
Pater noster , ATS IRO 30192
Maîtrise d'Aleth, Bernard Orhant, [1:19] - congregation organ
Record Title: Cathédrale de Saint-Malo
Pater noster CMC 695, Gregorian Institute LE 43/45
Seminarians of Spanish and Claretian colleges, Rome, anon., [0:51] -
Record Title: Vatican Council II
Deus autem noster ANTI (P) LU 256a, Decca 123969
Seminarians of the Cathedral of Strasbourg, Paul Kirchhoffer, [2:29] - AVA ps.113 (v.1-8) organ
Record Title: Les Vêpres du Dimanche à la Cathédrale de Strasbourg
Pater noster , private 585
Monks of Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire, Fleury, Jean Voisine, [0:52] -
Record Title: La Prière des Moines
Pater noster , Gregorian Institute PRLP- 1
Benedict A. Ehmann, [1:17] - ferial tone
Record Title: Preface and Pater Noster Chants
Pater noster , Gregorian Institute PRLP- 1
Benedict A. Ehmann, [1:19] - solemn tone
Record Title: Preface and Pater Noster Chants
Pater noster , TJM SCA 87/A 8
Nuns of St. Cecilia, Ryde, [1:19] -
Record Title: Spiritus Domini
Salvator noster dilectissimi LESSON ( ) LF 19, Societas Latina X
Nikolaus Donaubauer; Theophilus Gaus, [1:56] -
Record Title: Lectiones Nataliciae
Protector noster GRAD (5) LU 1003a GT 292a WG 87, Studio S.M. SM 45 P- 33
Schola of Lazarist Fathers of Paris, Jean Bihan, [2:21] - RV
Record Title: Cinquième Dimanche après la Pentecôte
Pater noster , Parnassus PACD 96016
Choir of Pius X School of Music, Justine Bayard Ward, [1:21] -
Record Title: Gregorian Chant - Early Recordings (disc 2a)
Pater noster , Victor M 69
Choir of Pius X School of Music, Justine Bayard Ward, [1:21] - mx.CVE47997:7181B
Record Title: Ordinary of the Mass
Pater noster , Victrola M 177
Pius X School Choir, Julia Sampson, [1:16] - mx.75039:11531A
Record Title: The Requiem Mass
Pater noster , Decca A 86
choir, William A. Kennedy, [1:27] - mx.65809:23111A
Record Title: Solemn High Mass