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I. The following abbreviations of chant forms follow immediately after the chant title, followed in turn by the mode (in parentheses).

INTR Introit

GRAD Gradual

TRCT Tract

ALLE Alleluia

SEQU Sequence

OFFR Offertory

OFFV Offertory with verses

COMM Communion

ANTI Antiphon

RESP Responsory

bRES Brief Responsory


INVI Invitatory

LAMT Lamentation

LESSON lesson (including epistle)

PsRe Psalm Responsory (in GS)


II. The following abbreviations of modern liturgical editions are used before page numbers. Page numbers are modified by lower-case letters if more than one chant appears on the same page.

AFET Antiphonae Fontanellensis Ecclesiae Titularium (4 pages, undated) from the abbey of St. Wandrille.

AM Antiphonale Monasticum (1934)

AS Antiphonale Solesmense (1935). AS is an expanded edition of AM, containing over a hundred pages of chants for feasts of the Congregation of Solesmes. It replaced Dom Pothier’s Liber Antiphonarius pro diurnis horis (1891).

AR1 Antiphonale Romanum I (2020). This is Matins for Sundays and Feasts for the revised secular (non-monastic) use.

AR2 Antiphonale Romanum II (2009). This is Vespers for Sundays and Feasts for the revised secular (non-monastic) use, replacing the Antiphonale Romanum of 1912 (which is not used in this database).

CARM Proprium Missarum et Officiorum Ordinis Carmelitarum Discalceatorum (1959)

CM Cantus Mariales (ed. Joseph Pothier, 1903; 8th edition 1932)

CS Cantus Selecti (1949)

GN1 Graduale Novum I De Dominicis et Festis (Regensburg, ConBrio, 2011). This is an edition of Mass Propers with restitution of melodies as first proposed in Beiträge zur Gregorianik by members of AISCGre. Recordings made before 2011 were sung from BzG.

GN2 Graduale Novum II De Feriis et Sanctis (Regensburg, ConBrio, 2018). The second volume of the book above. Recordings made before 2018 were sung from BzG.

GR Graduale Romanum (1912; 1924). This is cited only a few times by way of exception for chants not found in GT.

GRS Supplementum ad Graduale Romanum (EOS, 2019). Ed. Alessandro De Lillo, 95 restituted chants with neumes added, not previously edited, or edited in LU but not GT; nine alleluias and a gradual found in Graduale Novum are also included with additional verses.

GS Graduale Simplex (1967; 2d ed., 1975)

GT Graduale Triplex (1979). This is the Graduale Romanum (1974) with neumes from Laon, St. Gall and Einsiedeln. It follows the calendar of feasts and the assignment of chants for the 1970 liturgical revision.

IAM In Agendis Mortuorum juxta ritum monasticum (1941)

LA Liber Antiphonarius pro diurnis horis (1891; 2d ed. 1897)

LA1 Liber Antiphonarius I De Tempore (Solesmis, 2005)

LA2 Liber Antiphonarius II Psalterium (Solesmis, 2006)

LA3 Liber Antiphonarius III De Sanctis (Solesmis, 2007). These three volumes, along with LH, replace AM, following the calendar of feasts and the assignment of chants for the 1970 liturgical revision. The title on the cover of all three volumes is Antiphonale Monasticum.

LC Liber Cantualis (1978, 1983)

LEV1 Libreria Editice Vaticana, vol. 1 (2001 facsimile of Graduale de Tempore, 1614)

LEV2 Libreria Editice Vaticana, vol. 2 (2001 facsimile of Graduale de Sanctis, 1615). These two volumes are a facsimile of the Medicean Edition. The facsimile page-numbers are used rather than the original folio numbers. As the most readily available edition of 16th- and 17th-century chants, this will serve to identify the truncated chants of that era, although recordings are more commonly made from Giunta (Venice, 1611), which is only fairly close to it.

LF Laudes Festivae (ed. Beatus Reiser, 1940). Simplified chants.

LG1 Liber Gradualis I Tempus Adventus (Verona, 2009)

LG2 Liber Gradualis II Tempus Nativitatis (Verona, 2010)

LG3 Liber Gradualis III Tempus Quadrigesimae I: In Dominicis (Verona, 2011)

LG4 Liber Gradualis IV Hebdomada Sancta (Verona, 2012)

LG5 Liber Gradualis V Tempus Paschale I: In Dominicis et in Festo Ascensionis (Verona, 2013) 

LG6 Liber Gradualis VI Tempus per Annum I-XVII (Verona, 2016) These six slim volumes are a series of Mass Propers with restitution of melodies in the manner of Graduale Novum, edited by Alberto Turco, also a member of AISCGre.

LGPF1 Liber Gradualis, I. Pars Festiva (Padova: Armelin, 2021) This includes the six volumes above and more.

LGP(F)2 Liber Gradualis, II. not yet published

LH Liber Hymnarius (1983). This replaces the hymns for both monastic and secular Offices for the 1970 liturgical revision. Nearly every hymn has been revised, notably with new doxologies, and many newly composed hymns have been added.

LR Liber Responsorialis (1895)

LU Liber Usualis (1934, 1938)

LV Liber usualis reVised (1947 to 1963 printings). The history of successive printings is explained on a separate page.

MH Officium Majoris Hebdomadae (1925). Not available for consultation.

MM Missa in honorem B. M. V. de Monteserrato (1946)

NBS Notker Balbulus Sequenzen (EOS Editions, 2017). 20 sequences with chant notation. (See also LYNB below.)

NN In Nocte Nativitatis Domini (Desclée 753, 1936). This is a revised edition of In nativitate Domini ad matutinum (Desclée 752, 1926)

NR Nocturnale Romanum (2002). This unofficial edition by Holger Peter Sandhofe (d. 2003) of Matins for the secular (non-monastic) Office followed the Solesmes model closely, using the calendar and the assignment of chants before 1955.

OEDC Ordo ad Ecclesiam Dedicandam et Consecrandam (Desclée, 1961)

OMC Ordo Missae in Cantu (1995). Chants of the celebrant.

OPF Officia Propria monasterii S. Wandregisili de Fontanella (1938) from the abbey of St. Wandrille.

OT Offertoriale Triplex cum versiculis (Solesmis, 1985). Reprint with neumes of Carolus Ott, Offertoriale sive versus offertoriorum (Desclée, 1935).

PA Premonstratensian Antiphonal

PG Premonstratensian Gradual

PM Processionale Monasticum (1893; reprinted incompletely with neumes added, 1985)

VP Variae Preces (1888; 1901) (Cantus Selecti 1949 may be considered a replacement for this)

WA Westmalle Antiphonarii Cisterciensis Horas Diurnas (1954)

WG Westmalle Graduale Cisterciense (1934)

WH Westmalle Hymnarium Cisterciense (1952)

WK Westmalle Kyriale (paper cover, undated)

WL Westmalle Laudes Vespertinae (Cistercian) (1939)

WP Westmalle Processionale Cisterciense (1946)

WV Westmalle Vigilias Nocturnas (Cistercian) (1955, available online). Chant editions for the Cistercian and Trappist orders were published at Westmalle, Belgium.

III. Non-Gregorian chants use the following abbreviations:

BEN Beneventan rite. These chants are identified by the index of Paléographie Musicale XXI, pages 413 to 424.

HISP Hispanic rite. Chant numbers (not page numbers) of El Canto Mozárabe (ed. Rojo and Germán Prado, 1929) are adapted as 101-21, 201-10, 301-23.

CMC Los Cantorales Mozárabes de Cisneros (facsimile, 2011) (Hispanic chants)

CLAM Cantus Lamentationum (ed. Germán Prado, 1934) (Hispanic chants)

SKYR Supplementum ad Kyriale (ed. Germán Prado, 1934) (Hispanic chants)

HISP GA Calculemus et Cantemus (ed. Geert Maessen, Amsterdam, 2015), an edition of chant melodies reconstructed by computer (cited by page numbers).

MIL Milanese rite. This uses page numbers of Antiphonale Missarum juxta ritum Sanctae Ecclesiae Mediolanensis (1935); page numbers preceded by L are found in Liber Vesperalis juxta ritum Sanctae Ecclesiae Mediolanenis (1939); also used are page numbers from VI (Paléographie Musicale VI)

ROM Old Roman rite. Chants are found in Vat. lat. 5319 in Monumenta Monodia Medii Aevi 2 (both MS folio number and edition page number); Bodmer C74, facsimile (1987) (MS folio number); San Pietro B79, facsimile (1995) (index numbers).

IV. Late Medieval Liturgical Offices:

LMLO Formulas created by Andrew Hughes (1994). 

Offices not included in his work are identified as follows:

ADAL St. Adalbert (Aachen)

AFRA St. Afra (Hiley, 2004)

AUGU St. Augustine of Hippo

BARB St. Barbara (Mantua)

COMP Compassion of the BVM (Hamburg)

CUTH St. Cuthbert

DUNS St. Dunstan

EMME St. Emmeram (Regensburg); pubished as Historia Sancti Emmerammi (ed. Hiley, 1996)

ETHL St. Ethelwold

FING Fingergull

GREG St. Gregory

GUDA St. Gudila (Zutphen)

HALV St. Hallvard

KILI St. Kilian

LAMB St. Lambert

LAUR St. Lawrence (Sarum)

MAGN St. Magnus (Hiley, 2007)

MART St. Martin (Tours)

MMAG St. Mary Magdalen (Prague)

MRTL St. Martial (BnF lat. 909)

NICH St. Nicholas (Bari)

OTTO St. Otto (see also OT81)

PLCH St. Plechelmus (Oldenzaal)

SANG Sanguis Christi

SERV St. Servacius (Servaas)

SEVR St. Severus

SIGF St. Sigfrid

SIND Holy Shroud of Turin

THOM St. Thomas Becket, Himmelrod abbey)

TRNS Transfiguration

WLB St. Walburga (Zutphen)

WILB St. Willibrord (Echternach)

WILH (St. Willihad)

WOLF St. Wolfgang

V. The following abbreviations of other sources use the serial numbers unless noted.

AHMA Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi (sequences and hymns; volume and number); text only

CC Codex Calixtinus (arbitrary serial number, followed by the folio number found in the facsimile, 1993).

FASSa Music in the Medieval West: Anthology (ed. Margot Fassler, Norton, 2014); edition

FASSb Margot Fassler, Gothic Song (Cambridge, 1993; U. of Notre Dame Press, 2011), 416-37; edition.

HBD Hildegard von Bingen, Dendermonde codex

HBW Hildegard von Bingen, Wiesbaden codex (Riesencodex). The index (not page) numbers of the more nearly complete Wiesbaden codex is the principal citation, adding citations for two chants in the index of the Dendermonde codex. Both are available in facsimile.

HRTK Hartker Antiphonal (SG 390-391), transcribed by Kees Pouderoijen for Psalterium Currens (2018); page number. Some antiphons are taken from other medieval sources.

HUGL2 Michel Huglo, "La prose de Notre-Dame de Grâce de Cambrai," Les anciens répertoires de plain-chant (2005; reprinted from Revue grégorienne 31, 1952)

HUGL3 Michel Huglo, “Les versus de Venance Fortunat pour la procession du Samedi-saint à Notre-Dame de Paris,” Chant grégorien et musique médiévale (2005; reprinted from Revue de musicologie, 2002)

ITD Istanbul, Topkapi Deissmann 42 (Istanbul Antiphonal ca. 1360, facsimile, 1999)

LSM Lateinische Sequenzen des Mittelalters (ed. Joseph Kehrein, 1873; reprint, 1969); text only

LYNB Liber Ymnorum Notker Balbulus (London, 2016). Serial numbers of 49 sequences with notation. (See also NBS above.)

MMMA Monumenta Monodica Medii Aevi I: Die Hymnen

MMS1 Monumenta Musicae Sacrae I: Le Prosaire de la Sainte-Chapelle (at Bari; facsimile, 1952)

MMS4 Monumenta Musicae Sacrae IV: Le Tropaire-Prosaire de Dublin (facsimile, 1970). Facsimile pages with some edition pages.

OSV Bernard de Clairvaux: Office de Saint Victor (ed. Claire Maître, 2009)

OTG Oficio de la Toma de Granada. Composed by Fray Hernando de Talavera after the fall of Granada in 1492, in Isabel la Católica y Granada (ed. Maria Julieta Vega García-Ferrer, 2004)

RL Codex Vaticanus Reginensis latinus MS 124. Folio numbers

RAPal Laura Albiero, Repertorium Antiphonarum Processionalium (Vox Antiqua, [2016]); text only (index numbers)

RPAbr/e Clyde W. Brockett, The Repertory of Processional Antiphons (Brepols, 2018); edition (page numbers)

RPAbr/t same book, text-only entries (page numbers)

SARUM Graduale Sarisburiense (facsimile 1894; reprint, 1966); entries just begun in 2018

THOM Graduale St. Thomaskirche zu Leipzig (facsimile, 1932; reprint, 1967)

TOR Torino J.II.9 (facsimile, 1999)

WORC Worcester Antiphoner (facsimile PalMus XII; page number and line number): entries just begun in 2014. It is possible that some recordings are sung from the Lucca Antiphoner (facsimile PalMus IX).

VI. The following abbreviations are used for arbitrary lists of chants that have not been identified otherwise.

FRAN Missale Romano-Seraphicum (Florence, 1942)

HACH Antiphoner of Anna Hachenberch, Cologne, St. Cecilia, c.1520

MISC unidentified chants usually found on more than one record; entries begun in 2018.

NG Neo-Gallican. These numbers will be assigned when chants of c.18th-century France are listed.

PLNC Planctus (laments), non-liturgical carmina of the Carolingian era.

REZN Iégor Reznikoff's selection of chants of Gallican origin.

SAK St. Anne of Kergonan. The proper feast used in the monastery was composed by Dom Prosper Guéranger.

SJB St. John the Baptist, recorded on the Kirkelig label.

SCHU Schola Hungarica. Numbers temporarily assigned to unique recordings of Schola Hungarica.

UDEN Chant manuscripts of the Birgittine abbey in Uden, Netherlands.

Migne is no longer used for Salve festa dies, since the text is in AHMA.